Infotel Stock Price

Investors documents


This page contains the documents and answers to the following questions:

Company overview :

Documents regarding Shareholders’ Meetings

Procedures for the General Meeting of May 19, 2021

Due to the current context of the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 epidemic and the uncertainties it generates, it was decided to hold the Annual General Meeting on May 19, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. behind closed doors, without the physical presence of its shareholders.

Ordinance n° 2020-321 published on March 25, 2020 as amended by ordinance n° 2020-1497 of December 2, 2020 and decree n° 2021-255 of March 9, 2021 indeed adapts the rules of 2021 General Assemblies held in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic and authorizes the holding of Assemblies without members and other persons entitled to attend being present (in camera).

The General Assembly will be broadcast live. Shareholders who wish to view this retransmission must first send an email to, within seven (7) days preceding the meeting, in order to obtain the access code and the link to access, after having proven that they are a shareholder.

The organizational arrangements for the General Assembly could change depending on health and / or legal requirements. Consequently, shareholders are invited to consult this section regularly.

Please note that you can only exercise your shareholder rights remotely, before the General Meeting, by one of the following means:

  • by sending a proxy to the company without specifying a proxy, which is equivalent to giving a proxy to the Chairman of the General Meeting. It is recalled in this regard that for any proxy of a shareholder without indication of a proxy, the Chairman of the General Meeting votes in favor of the adoption of the draft resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors and a vote against the adoption of all other draft resolutions, or
  • by voting by mail, or
  • by giving a proxy to another shareholder, to your spouse or civil partnership partner, or to any natural or legal person of your choice under the legal and regulatory conditions, as provided for in article L.225-106 -1 of the French Commercial Code. It being specified that in this case, the proxy will have to vote by correspondence.

More details on these voting methods are given in the document “Notice of convening of the Combined General Meeting of May 19, 2021”, which you will find in the list below devoted to the documents relating to the General Meeting. In accordance with the provisions of article R.225-84 of the French Commercial Code, you can put written questions to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. These questions must be addressed to the company’s head office, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt OR in view of the current context related to Covid-19, by electronic means to the following address: no later than the second business day preceding the date of the General Meeting, ie May 17, 2021. They must be accompanied by an account registration certificate.