The Journey of Your Resume Unveiling What Happens After You Hit Submit at Our Careers Site

The Journey of Your Resume Unveiling What Happens After You Hit Submit at Our Careers Site

At Infotel India, we love helping people find the right opportunities and make a difference in their lives. Our goal is to drive business forward by finding the right talent and by building a workforce that possesses the right skills, experience, and diversity to align with our objectives.
There’s always a common inquiry among the candidates about what happens after they submit their resumes on the careers page.

We have gathered the most frequently asked questions we receive from candidates about our recruitment process and talk potential applicants through what happens once their resumes have been submitted.

Submitting Your Resume

 Each hardworking member of our talent acquisition team at Infotel India focusses on different technologies, as they are all experts in their chosen areas. These specialisms include SAP, Java, Mainframe, Kubernetes, SQL Server, and Django.

Once you have submitted your resume to our Infotel Careers portal, one of our recruiters will analyse it. If it aligns with our requirements, the team will reach out to you for an initial round of interviews.

Each hardworking member of our talent acquisition team at Infotel India focusses on different technologies, as they are all experts in their chosen areas. These specialisms include SAP, Java, Mainframe, Kubernetes, SQL Server, and Django.

Once you have submitted your resume to our Infotel Careers portal, one of our recruiters will analyse it. If it aligns with our requirements, the team will reach out to you for an initial round of interviews.

Our Recruitment Process


Tips to help your Resume Stand Out


Read the job descriptions thoroughly!

It’s always best practice to read any job description thoroughly before you submit your resume. Reading all available information and observing essential details will prepare you for your interview and increase your chances of fully understanding the responsibilities of the role. Then you’ll be able to make informed decisions about whether the job truly matches your skill set.

Showcase your education and professional development

This section gives our recruiters a background on your educational qualifications, skills, and interests. It also demonstrates your ability to succeed, your commitment to learning, and the relevant knowledge you have acquired.

The education and professional development section depends on your career level, your experience, the exact job you are applying for, and how recently you have finished your education.

For instance, recent graduates are expected to prioritise this section at the top of their resumes, while experienced professionals should place their work experience before the education section.

Follow a reverse chronological order from your latest educational qualification and work your way back to your previous qualifications.

You can highlight your professional development by specifying a completed training course, certifications, workshops, and seminars relevant to your industry, which will give our talent acquisition team a holistic view of your resume.

Use a career snapshot that attracts recruiters

You may consider adding a summary section to your resume that acts as a ‘Career Snapshot.’ Usually this would be a short paragraph or bulleted list describing your professional experience, so a talent team understands your career goals before reading your resume.

By adding this section, you’re able to explain the things that make you unique in your field of work and value you offer an organisation. This has strong potential of helping your resume stand out from a busy application market.  Ensure to include the following items to catch the eye of our talent acquisition team:

  • Tailor it to a specific job opening.
  • Your job title and years of experience.
  • Your accomplishments.
  • List your area of expertise and the most essential skills relevant to the role.
  • Sum up what you have to offer (the value you bring to our company).

Highlight Your Relevant Experience

This is one of the most important sections of your resume, where you’ll be able to really sell your talents to a recruitment team. It is recommended to begin by listing the position title, organisation name, location, the number of years you worked with your previous employer, achievements, and responsibilities. The work experience section adds credibility to your application.

Ensure your work experience entries are always listed in reverse chronological order, beginning with your current job, and navigating into the past.

Always Provide Quantifiable Achievements

It’s always recommended to provide results instead of responsibilities. Replace task-oriented statements with results-oriented statements. Metrics can highlight your accomplishments and give our recruiters an impression of how your job duties benefited your previous organisation.
According to LinkedIn, presenting quantitative numbers in your resume has a greater impact than outlining your job duties and responsibilities.

Benefits of Quantifying your Accomplishments on Your Resume

  • Providing numbers on a resume gives credibility to our recruiter.
  • It shows a results-oriented nature.
  • Sets you apart from other candidates.
  • It provides better clarity to our recruiters about what you have accomplished in your previous roles, impact of those achievements.

Let’s see an example of measured results vs adding responsibilities on resume.

We spoke to Infotel Group’s Talent Acquisition Team about their top tips and insights when it comes to what they look out for in resume applications:

How does Infotel group foster diversity and inclusion in its hiring practices?


We have published several articles relating to diversity and inclusion in our workplace on our website. Throughout the group, we work hard on gender equality. Infotel UK is an equal-opportunity employer, and we pride ourselves on our diversity. That includes gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, or disability status.

This is stated on all job advertisements published and we plan on making our workplace a safe and inclusive environment for people from all walks of life. 2024 sees a big push in the UK to enhance this further, by attending more events, keeping up to date on changes in workplace polices and celebrating our employees’ religious festivals throughout the year.

We have published several articles relating to diversity and inclusion in our workplace on our website. Throughout the group, we work hard on gender equality. Infotel UK is an equal-opportunity employer, and we pride ourselves on our diversity. That includes gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, or disability status.

This is stated on all job advertisements published and we plan on making our workplace a safe and inclusive environment for people from all walks of life. 2024 sees a big push in the UK to enhance this further, by attending more events, keeping up to date on changes in workplace polices and celebrating our employees’ religious festivals throughout the year.

How flexible is our Talent Acquisition team in terms of recruiting the candidates?

Our Talent Acquisition team at Infotel is flexible to attract the best talent!
We continue to review the pipeline of candidates for our roles and adapt accordingly depending on different factors.There are lots of different elements to consider, these are discussed together, and we produce an outcome to go forward with. Nothing is set in stone; we are in ever evolving recruitment world. Flexibility is key!
Our Talent Acquisition team at Infotel is flexible to attract the best talent!
We continue to review the pipeline of candidates for our roles and adapt accordingly depending on different factors.There are lots of different elements to consider, these are discussed together, and we produce an outcome to go forward with. Nothing is set in stone; we are in ever evolving recruitment world. Flexibility is key!

What qualities or skills do you look for in potential candidates to join at Infotel India?

                          At Infotel India we are always on the lookout for talented individuals who can bring their unique skills and qualities to our team.

1. Strong communication skills: Clear and effective communication is essential in our fast-paced work environment. We look for candidates who can articulate their ideas well and collaborate with team members effectively.

2. Problem-solving abilities: At Infotel India, we value individuals who can think critically and find innovative solutions to complex problems. Candidates who can adapt to changing circumstances and think on their feet are highly sought after.

At Infotel India we are always on the lookout for talented individuals who can bring their unique skills and qualities to our team.

1. Strong communication skills: Clear and effective communication is essential in our fast-paced work environment. We look for candidates who can articulate their ideas well and collaborate with team members effectively.

2. Problem-solving abilities: At Infotel India, we value individuals who can think critically and find innovative solutions to complex problems. Candidates who can adapt to changing circumstances and think on their feet are highly sought after.

3. Technical proficiency: Whether it’s software development, data analysis, or project management, technical skills are crucial for success at Infotel India. We are looking for candidates who are proficient in their respective fields and eager to continue learning and growing.

4. Team player mentality: Collaboration is key at Infotel India, and we value candidates who can work well with others and contribute positively to team dynamics. A positive attitude, willingness to support colleagues, and ability to handle constructive feedback are all important qualities we look for.

5. Adaptability and growth mindset: In a rapidly evolving industry, we need individuals who are open to change, willing to learn new skills, and committed to personal and professional growth. Candidates who demonstrate adaptability and a growth mindset are highly valued at Infotel India.

How do you handle communication with candidates throughout the recruitment process, including feedback and updates?

We use phone calls or video calls for the initial screening. We keep candidates updated on the interview process, including rounds of interviews, duration, panel information, and mode of interview. If a candidate is brought in for an interview, we call them to schedule an interview and provide them with an email containing all the necessary information, such as directions, the interview timeframe, and other logistics.

Once the selection process is over, we owe the candidate an update on their status, be it positive or negative. At Infotel, we value the candidate’s time and strive to deliver feedback to them in a timely manner.

We use phone calls or video calls for the initial screening. We keep candidates updated on the interview process, including rounds of interviews, duration, panel information, and mode of interview. If a candidate is brought in for an interview, we call them to schedule an interview and provide them with an email containing all the necessary information, such as directions, the interview timeframe, and other logistics.

Once the selection process is over, we owe the candidate an update on their status, be it positive or negative. At Infotel, we value the candidate’s time and strive to deliver feedback to them in a timely manner.

Why should candidates choose Infotel India?

                      Innovative Projects: Infotel has established itself in India to strengthen its international projects, expand operations in new directions, and build its brand and reputation directly in India to be close to our clients and offer adaptability and proximity in their projects.

Our wide access to practice-based knowledge and global expertise allows us to offer our clients a wide range of IT services and consulting across a range of industries and projects, allowing candidates to challenge themselves and contribute to groundbreaking solutions.

Innovative Projects: Infotel has established itself in India to strengthen its international projects, expand operations in new directions, and build its brand and reputation directly in India to be close to our clients and offer adaptability and proximity in their projects.

Our wide access to practice-based knowledge and global expertise allows us to offer our clients a wide range of IT services and consulting across a range of industries and projects, allowing candidates to challenge themselves and contribute to groundbreaking solutions.

Career Growth: Infotel provides a supportive environment for career development, offering training programmes, mentorship opportunities, and clear paths for advancement.

Company Culture: Candidates are attracted to Infotel’s company culture, which prioritises collaboration, diversity, and work-life balance.

Benefits and Compensation: Infotel offers competitive benefits packages and compensation, including perks like health insurance, retirement plans, etc.

Reputation and Stability: Candidates appreciate Infotel’s esteemed reputation and position as a pioneer in the industry, offering job stability and avenues for sustained career advancement.